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Spring Energy Tips


Save Energy This Spring

  • Dust or wipe light bulbs. Clean bulbs provide more light.
  • Some energy improvements that you make this year may qualify for a tax credit on next year’s taxes.
  • Most people close their windows at night and open them up in the morning when they see it’s a nice day. You should do the opposite — your home heats up during the day so you should open your windows at night when the temperature drops, then close the windows in the morning to keep the cool air in and the hot air out.
  • Use natural lighting as much as possible. If you have lights on a timer, this is a good time to check them and make sure they are only on when needed.
  • Turn off your thermostat, take off your storm windows, put in screens and open up the windows to get your house to a comfortable temperature.
  • Pets shed during the spring – when dust and pet hair build up on your refrigerator condenser coils, the motor works harder and uses more electricity. As part of your spring-cleaning routine, make sure the coils are cleaned so that air can circulate freely.
  • If you have a sliding glass door make sure to keep its track clean. A dirty track can ruin the door’s seal and create gaps where heat or cold air can escape.
  • Regularly wash or replace furnace and air conditioner filters.
  • When you’re doing your spring cleaning, make sure all the fans are working properly and are dust-free. During the warm months, switch the direction and draw air upward, cooling the room and ensuring constant airflow.
  • Turn your water heater down to 120 degrees Fahrenheit to save money on your electric bill. This is also a safety measure, especially if you have children in the house.