Home » EV Smart Charging Form_
Is your car All-Electric or is it a Plug-In Hybrid (PHEV)? All-Electric (Up to $650)PHEV (50% cost, up to $325)
Your Name (required)
WMGLD Customer Number
Installation Address (please do not list P.O. Box #)
Street Address
Home Phone
Cell Phone
Your Email (required)
Please attach requested documents below (PDF or JPG accepted) Receipt for Chargepoint Home Flex Charger (6MB max.): Proof of EV Ownership (6MB max.): Copy of signed On-peak Charging Agreement (6MB max.):
By submitting this form, I certify that I have purchased an electric vehicle and I am an electric customer of WMGLD. I am providing the requested information solely to be eligible to receive a rebate through this program and request that the personal information supplied by me be treated as confidential.