Home » Heat Pump Rebate Application Form
Q&A Form through Abode Energy Management. By checking the box below you are verifying that you have completed the Q&A Form with Abode.
I verify that I have completed the Abode Q&A.
12-digit WMGLD Account Number (required)
Account Holder Name (required)
Email (required)
Phone (required)
Street Address (required)
Unit #
City/town (required)
State (required)
Company Name (required)
Company Email Address
Technician's Name (required)
Appliance (required) —Please choose an option—Ducted Heat PumpDuctless Mini-Split Heat Pump
Brand (required)
Model (required)
AHRI Number (required)
Associated Indoor Unity Model Number(s)
Purchase Date (required)
Please use the chart below to determine the amount of your rebate:
* Actual tons are calculated based on AHRI cooling capacity divided by 12,000 BTUs. Rebate amount based on actual tons.
New Unit Size (tons***)
Rebate Amount