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Heat Pump Rebate Application

    Before filling out this application, please ensure that you have completed the required post-install

    Q&A Form through Abode Energy Management. By checking the box below you are verifying that you have completed the Q&A Form with Abode.

    I verify that I have completed the Abode Q&A.

    Customer Information

    Service Address Information

    Contractor Information

    New Equipment Installed

    Appliance (required)

    Please use the chart below to determine the amount of your rebate:

    * Actual tons are calculated based on AHRI cooling capacity divided by 12,000 BTUs. Rebate amount based on actual tons.

    By clicking the "Submit Application" button, you certify that all information in this form is correct, to the best of your knowledge, and that you adhere to all terms and conditions of this rebate.